Stash Wiki

Resources gathered by tools are materials acquired primarily by using gathering skills in the wild where ambushes are possible, or as a loot from hostile monsters and bosses, therefore gathering them entails considerable risks of being killed in action, thus resources are considered extremely difficult to obtain, which implies more reasonable market prices for them.

Once used in a crafting recipe, these types of materials can be disintegrated back into by using misc. Machinery. With the exception of herbs which are dissolved into potions entirely.

Resources gathered by tools are collected throughout the Stash World to be used in crafting new items.

Gathering a resource requires a specific tool in order to harvest the nodes. These nodes may be found in passive encounters throughout the realm or in combat encounters deep in dungeons and other areas.

Players may level up their resource gathering skills to get access to higher level materials. All players can gather resources with the right tool. The right tool can be purchased in Askagard or crafted by a Maker, and a player can only wield two tools at any given time since there are only two slots for them.

Note: In a Combat Encounter, you will not be able to switch your tools. Pick the right tools for the job before entering combat! In a passive resource encounter you will be able to switch your tools freely.

Resources gathered by tools include the following subcategories:

Gems[ | ]


Gems are one of the resources in the Stash RPG acquired by the lapidary gathering skill. Players need a pick to gather gems.

Weaponsmith crafting skill has the ability to disintegrate some of the offhand weapons into some of the gems by using misc. Machinery.

Gems can only be gathered in respective tier areas populated with respective tier monsters implying high risk of being ambushed and killed as tiers increase, thus they are considered very valuable.

The following is a list of gems in the Stash RPG:

Herbs[ | ]


Herbs are one of the resources in the Stash RPG acquired by the herbalism gathering skill. Players need shears to gather herbs.

Herbs can only be gathered in respective tier areas populated with respective tier monsters implying high risk of being ambushed and killed as tiers increase, thus they are considered very valuable.

The following is a list of herbs in the Stash RPG:

Ores[ | ]

Ores are one of the resources in the Stash RPG acquired by the mining gathering skill. Players need a pickaxe to gather ores.

Weaponsmith and Armorer crafting skills have the ability to disintegrate a piece of gear into some of the ores needed to craft it by using misc. Machinery.

Ores can only be gathered in respective tier areas populated with respective tier monsters implying high risk of being ambushed and killed as tiers increase, thus they are considered very valuable.

The following is a list of ores in the Stash RPG:

Woods[ | ]

Woods are one of the resources in the Stash RPG acquired by the lumberjack gathering skill. Players need an axe to gather woods.

Weaponsmith and Maker crafting skills have the ability to disintegrate weapons and furniture respectively, into some of the woods by using misc. Machinery. Note: only furniture acquired as a loot from monsters can be disintegrated by a Maker.

Woods can only be gathered in respective tier areas populated with respective tier monsters implying high risk of being ambushed and killed as tiers increase, thus they are considered very valuable.

The following is a list of woods in the Stash RPG:

Leather[ | ]

Leather is one of the resources in the Stash RPG acquired by the skinning gathering skill and by slaughtering livestock and poultry. Players need a knife to gather leather.

Armorer crafting skill has the ability to disintegrate a piece of armor into some of the leather by using misc. Machinery.

Leather can also be acquired as a generic drop from some bosses.

While skinning gathering skill implies getting into battle and therefore entails some risk of being killed in action, farming leather from slaughtering livestock and poultry does not imply such a risk, thus acquiring leather is considered a relatively safe activity, making leather not highly valuable but greatly demanded.

The following is a list of leather in the Stash RPG:

Cloth[ | ]

Cloth is one of the resources in the Stash RPG acquired by the scavenging gathering skill. Maker crafting skill has the ability to weave thread spun from fibers into a cloth. Players need scissors to gather cloth.

Armorer crafting skill has the ability to disintegrate a piece of armor into some of the cloth by using misc. Machinery.

Cloth can also be acquired as a generic drop from some bosses.

While scavenging gathering skill implies getting into battle and therefore entails some risk of being killed in action, farming cloth from fiber seeds does not imply such a risk, thus acquiring cloth is considered a relatively safe activity, making cloth not highly valuable but greatly demanded.

The following is a list of cloth in the Stash RPG: